Project Auto-LASE is a collaboration between Motion-Robotics and Woodrow Scientific Ltd. With the Aim to create a Wind turbine cleaning lazer mounted to UAV platform. With aims to clean off and onshore turbines.
Project Auto-LASE is a collaboration between Motion-Robotics and Woodrow Scientific Ltd. With the Aim to create a Wind turbine cleaning lazer mounted to UAV platform. With aims to clean off and onshore turbines.
Project Auto-LASE is a collaboration between Motion-Robotics and Woodrow Scientific Ltd. With the Aim to create a Wind turbine cleaning lazer mounted to UAV platform. With aims to clean off and onshore turbines.
Development of Auto-LASE
Woodrow scientifice and Motion-Robotics Ltd began development of autolase in the begining of 2022. It wa funded by an innovate uk funding bid for drone technology in regards to wind turbine aplications.
Wind turbines are a great opertunity for the uk to generate renewable engery on and off shore. This sector has been in exonetial development since 1991. Turnover from wind energy was nearly £6 billion in 2019 as reported by the Office for National Statistics.
These generators have to cope with more than just the weather. Apart from the impact of rain and snow, they also have to contend with dust, sand, moss, Insects, oil contamination and pollution.
So who does the cleaning? How do they get up there? What do they do?
Trained professionals climb up with ladders and ropes to gain safe access to exterior of the tower, control rooms and turbine blades. The checks are exhaustive and apart from cleaning the dirt on the blades through scrubbing or power washing. Power washing can also be done with specialist helicopter teams.
We belive that this cleaning process can be made safer and more effcient with the use of autonomous drones and Laser cleaning tools.
Thus Autolase begins